Safety & Sanitation
Sanitation wipes are available at each entrance. Sanitizer stations continue to be added and placed throughout the store for customers to utilize.
Plexiglass was installed at all locations with the health and safety of our loyal customers and dedicated personnel in mind.
Social Distancing
You will see reminders throughout the store to be mindful and respect social distancing guidelines while shopping; keeping 6 feet or 2 full-sized carriage lengths between you and others in line and as you shop. Markers have been added to the floor at all check-out lanes.
Daily sanitation practices in stores, including more frequent cleaning of commonly used areas such as register belts, credit card terminals, food service counters, case handles and shelves.
Facial Coverings
In accordance with state and local guidelines; Unvaccinated individuals are required to wear facial coverings to shop. Vaccinated individuals are not required to wear facial coverings to shop. Thank you for being safe and responsible.
All store personnel have been provided protective gloves. More sanitation products have been provided for personnel within departments.
Closed At This Time
Hot bars, soup bars, self-service stations are closed. Sampling has been discontinued until further notice.
Rolls and bagels are no longer sold in bins. Muffins are now packaged and sold on self-service carts. All loose items are now packaged.